Sunday, March 8, 2009

Margins 2 and WATCHMEN

I just got back from a late screening of WATCHMEN. It's very, very, very good. In fact, probably one of the best movies I've ever seen. It is based on one of the best graphic novels I've ever read. Yes, there are few changes and discrepancies between the two, but they are minor and changed in the interest of brevity (which is good, considering the movie is still pretty long - the graphic novel is one of the most dense and detailed reads in the comic world).

All I'll really say about the movie is that I thought it was a perfect adaptation, not far removed from, say, the SIN CITY adaptation or even the Lord of the Rings films. It was true to the source and enhanced it where possible.

I remember reading Watchmen several years ago and thinking "Man, who the hell are they ever going to get to play Dr. Manhattan?" Billy Crudup, that's who. He's absolutely perfect. Oh, and the guy they got to play Rorshach looks JUST LIKE the dude in the comic book. And he's fantastic in the movie. Freakin' fantastic.

Of course, the sticklers aren't going to pleased with a few details here or there, I'm sure - I must say it was an incredibly enjoyable experience. Watch WATCHMEN, people. It's fantastically good. I'd say the best superhero movie ever right next to THE DARK KNIGHT.

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