Wednesday, May 6, 2009

NYC 1931

Finally saw Ajexandre (High Tension, The Hills Have Eyes remake) Aja's MIRRORS starring Kiefer Sutherland. It is really bad. I don't know what I expected, but I didn't expect to see nothing happen for an hour while Kiefer Sutherland walked around as a night security guard in a creepy place. Finally, Amy Smart rips her jaw off to get things moving at about the hour mark, but by then it's too little, too late. Mirrors, in general, are kinda creepy, and allow for many spooky dooky movie things to occur. This film does not contain any of those things. This film is just kinda ....stupid. And bad. And poorly acted, to boot. I guess Sutherland was tired from the DUI arrest and doing '24' marathon shoots.

Alexandre Aja should've known better.

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