Above is a Moleskine page I drew last Tuesday night before driving 22 hours to Mississippi.
I picked up some really amazing Pentel brush pens while in MS, and below are some quick little diddies I did with them. Man, I really dig using the brush pens. They really have a completely different feel and look than my traditional pen and ink stuff, huh?

Anywho. I drove back from Mississippi as fast as I could on Sunday afternoon (another 22 hours back) so I could get to work by Monday at 2:00pm. About the time I was arriving in Phoenix on Monday, of course, my boss called and said not to bother coming in because our software upgrade is simply not working (as predicted by many). So I and my significant other (or "better half", if you prefer) slept the day away and rested happily. Yay for the trip! Yay for not dying of exhaustion or collision while on the road!
Oh, and to everyone who likes nipples (and who doesn't, right?), here's a small pen and ink with watercolor:

Later, all!
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If you would like to purchase originals, prints, or commission artwork, you can contact me at
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